Neighbourhood Watch - It's kind of suprising that we havn't posted this sooner but here you go, here's something you don't hear everyday.
Admin & Mahni - Formattin' by ∆dmin
I have been itching to do another post on Bruises for a while now. Once again we will say a big thanks for the track 'Snow Roses' we put up as a limited free download over the christmas period. Now here's a couple of tracks which stand out from his collection to date. 'Introduce me to your friends' goes in hard, a proper stomper, distorted but still very tidy indeed. More recently im really liking the contrast of low and high pitch vocals which are used in 'Would You'. His EP 'Rabbit' will be out in may so watch out for that.
Introduce Me To Your Friends (Unsigned) by BRUISES/
Would You by BRUISES/
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